Setelah beberapa hari aktifitas vulkanik G. Merapi terus mengalami peningkatan secara signtfikan baik jumlah maupun energi gempabumi vulkanik, Selasa (26/10) sore G. Merapi memasuki fase erupsi. Berikut dibawah ini kronologis letusan G. Merapi yang terjadi Selasa sore hingga menjelang malam.
1. Pukul 17.02 mulai terjadi awanpanas selama 9 menit
2. Pukul 17.18 terjadi awanpanas selama 4 menit
3. Pukul 17.23 terjadi awanpanas selama 5 menit
4. Pukul 17.30 terjadi awanpanas selama 2 menit
5. Pukul 17.37 terjadi awanpanas selama 2 menit
6. Pukul 17.42 terjadi awanpanas besar selama 33 menit
7. Pukul 18.00 sampai dengan 18.45 terdengar suara gemuruh dari Pos Pengamatan Merapi di Jrakah dan Selo
8. Pukul 18.10, pukul 18.15, pukul 18.25 terdengan suara dentuman
9. Pukul 18.16 terjadi awanpanas selama 5 menit
10. Pukul 18.21 terjadi awanpanas besar selama 33 menit
11. Dari pos Pengamatan Gunung Merapi Selo terlihat nyala api bersama kolom asap membubung ke atas setinggi 1,5 km dari puncak Gunung Merapi
12. Pukul 18.54 aktivitas awanpanas mulai mereda
13. Luncuran awanpanas mengarah kesektor Barat-Barat Daya dan sektor Selatan-Tenggara
Kronologi dikutip dari Letusan Gunung Merapi Tanggal 26 Oktober 2010 yang dikeluarkan oleh a.n Kepala Badan Geologi, Kepala Pusat Vulkanologi dan Mitigasi Bencana Geologi.
Gunung Merapi merupakan gunungapi tipe strato, dengan ketinggian 2.980 meter dari permukaan laut. Secara geografis terletak pada posisi 7° 325' Lintang Selatan dan 110° 26.5' Bujur Timur. secara administratif terletak pada 4 wilayah kabupaten yaitu Kabupaten Sleman, Kabupaten Magelang, Kabupaten Boyalali dan Kabupaten Klaten. Status kegiatan G. Merapi ditingkatkan dari Normal manjadi Waspada pada tanggal 20 September 2010, ditingkatkan menjadi Siaga pada 21 Oktober 2010 dan menjadi Awas, terhitung sejak 25 Oktober 2010
Semenjak Gunung merapi meletus tersebut sudah belasan orang dipastikan meninggal dunia dan telah di bawa ke rumah sakit terdekat,
Mount Merapi erupted on Tuesday, exactly on October 25, 2010 at 17:00 pm and the event is recorded eruption of Mount Merapi there are dozens of victims who have been berhil in evakusai to the hospital, and according to news mbah Marijan died trim events erupted, the following seconds of entering the mountain in one of the most active volcanoes in the world is doing activities vulkaniknyaMount Merapi eruptsAfter several days of volcanic activity of G. Merapi is increasing in both number and energy signtfikan volcanic earthquakes, Tuesday (26/10) afternoon G. Merapi eruption phase. Here follows a chronological eruption G. Merapi, which occurred Tuesday afternoon until late evening.
1. At 17:02 started happening awanpanas for 9 minutes2. At 17:18 there awanpanas for 4 minutes3. At 17:23 there awanpanas for 5 minutes4. Occur awanpanas 17.30 for 2 minutes5. At 17:37 there awanpanas for 2 minutes6. At 17:42 there big awanpanas for 33 minutes7. At 18:00 until 18:45 there was a roar from Merapi Observation Post in the whole observatories and Selo8. At 18:10, 18:15 o'clock, 18:25 o'clock boom sound terdengan9. At 18:16 there awanpanas for 5 minutes10. At 18:21 there big awanpanas for 33 minutes11. From the observation post of Mount Merapi Selo visible flame with a column of smoke rose into the top at 1.5 km from the summit of Mount Merapi12. At 18:54 awanpanas activity began to subside13. Glide awanpanas kesektor leads West-Southwest and South-East sector
Chronology of the eruption of Mount Merapi quoted Date October 26, 2010 issued by the Head of Geological Agency, The Center for Volcanology and Geological Hazard Mitigation.
Mount Merapi is the type strato volcano, with a height of 2980 meters above sea level. Geographically located at position 7 ° 325 'south latitude and 110 ° 26.5' East Longitude. administratively located in 4 districts of Sleman, Magelang District, Klaten Regency and Regency Boyalali. Status of G. Merapi increased from Normal manjadi Alert on September 20, 2010, increased to standby on October 21, 2010 and became Beware, starting from October 25, 2010
Since the eruption of Mount Merapi are already dozens of people are confirmed dead and has been taken to nearby hospitals,
Source: Here
1. At 17:02 started happening awanpanas for 9 minutes2. At 17:18 there awanpanas for 4 minutes3. At 17:23 there awanpanas for 5 minutes4. Occur awanpanas 17.30 for 2 minutes5. At 17:37 there awanpanas for 2 minutes6. At 17:42 there big awanpanas for 33 minutes7. At 18:00 until 18:45 there was a roar from Merapi Observation Post in the whole observatories and Selo8. At 18:10, 18:15 o'clock, 18:25 o'clock boom sound terdengan9. At 18:16 there awanpanas for 5 minutes10. At 18:21 there big awanpanas for 33 minutes11. From the observation post of Mount Merapi Selo visible flame with a column of smoke rose into the top at 1.5 km from the summit of Mount Merapi12. At 18:54 awanpanas activity began to subside13. Glide awanpanas kesektor leads West-Southwest and South-East sector
Chronology of the eruption of Mount Merapi quoted Date October 26, 2010 issued by the Head of Geological Agency, The Center for Volcanology and Geological Hazard Mitigation.
Mount Merapi is the type strato volcano, with a height of 2980 meters above sea level. Geographically located at position 7 ° 325 'south latitude and 110 ° 26.5' East Longitude. administratively located in 4 districts of Sleman, Magelang District, Klaten Regency and Regency Boyalali. Status of G. Merapi increased from Normal manjadi Alert on September 20, 2010, increased to standby on October 21, 2010 and became Beware, starting from October 25, 2010
Since the eruption of Mount Merapi are already dozens of people are confirmed dead and has been taken to nearby hospitals,
Source: Here
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